About Project

A new research group has been set up within the framework of the project at the Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP), University of Latvia (UL) with the aim to attract additional human resources to science in Latvia. The group includes two young scientists, two doctoral students, one foreign scientist and a senior researcher.

The scientific goal of the project is an investigation of innovative multifunctional materials for transparent electronics and photonics. The research topic complies with the Latvian national research priority "Innovative materials and technologies". Materials under investigation include metallic nanowires, transparent semiconductors and lead-free ferroelectrics. The project deliverables will include at least ten SCI papers and a new method for material model construction from x-ray absorption spectra.

The project budget is 497990.91 EUR, including ESF funding in the amount of 448837.80 EUR (90.13%). The project is realized at the ISSP for a period of 23 months (10.01.2013-31.08.2015).

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Projekta realizācijas vieta:
Latvijas Universitātes
Cietvielu fizikas institūts